Date of last modification: October 20, 2023
Date of entry into force: October 20, 2022

This Privacy Statement (the “Statement”) applies to the online platform offered by BEEGO (hereinafter the “Platform”), owned and made available by:

Turnhoutsebaan 139, bus a
B-2140 Antwerp
Company number: 0719.974.283

BEEGO finds the protection of privacy extremely important and wants to inform you – as a user of its Platform – as much as possible, respect and give you control over what happens to your Personal Data and your privacy.

All capitalized terms not defined in this Statement have the meaning defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“General Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR” or “GDPR”).

Your Personal Data and your privacy are protected by BEEGO in accordance with Belgian and European regulations on the protection of privacy.

Please read this Statement very carefully. Not only your rights are described below, but also the way in which you can exercise these rights.

By using the Platform, sharing your Personal Data and agreeing to this Statement, you agree to the manner in which BEEGO collects and processes your Personal Data as described in this Statement.

  1. Who processes your Personal Data and how can you reach us?

BEEGO is Controller for the processing of your Personal Data that you provide via the Platform.

BEEGO has a data protection officer (Data Protection Officer) has been appointed, who you can always contact for questions regarding your privacy and the processing of your Personal Data. The data protection officer can be reached via:

t.a.v Data Protection Officer
Turnhoutsebaan 139, bus a
B-2140 Antwerp

  1. What Personal Data is collected and processed?

BEEGO processes different types of Personal Data. The following Personal Data may be processed by BEEGO (among others):

Consultant profile information name, first name, place of residence, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, IBAN bank account number, gender, photo, copy of the identity card, copy of the student card, national register number, curriculum vitae
Customer profile information name, first name, place of residence, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, IBAN bank account number, signature, gender
Applicant profile information name, first name, telephone number, e-mail address
Data regarding the performance delivered time registration of the services delivered by the consultant.
Technical information data from computers, telephones or other devices on which you use the Platform, your IP address, browser type, etc.
History and logs searches, conversations via the Platform and other actions performed via the Platform, surfing behavior, date and time the Platform was visited, etc.


  1. What is the purpose and basis of the processing of your Personal Data?

The purpose and basis of the processing of your Personal Data mainly depends on the category of Personal Data in question. Below you will find an overview of the purpose and basis of the various Personal Data that we process.

Consultant profile information Goal We collect this data to create the profile, to make contact and to ensure that tailor-made assignments are provided to the consultants. We also need personal data to request contracts from our payroll organization.
  Groundwork Legal obligation, execution of the agreement
Information regarding the profession and education of consultants Goal We collect this data to tailor the assignments for our consultants to their knowledge and skills.
  Groundwork Execution of the agreement
Personal characteristics Goal We collect personal characteristics of each assistant and assistance recipient in order to make the best possible match.
  Groundwork Execution of the agreement
Data regarding the performance delivered Goal We collect data regarding the duration of the services provided. We need this information to facilitate payment to the consultant.
  Groundwork Legal obligation, execution of the agreement
Technical information Goal Your technical information is collected to enable BEEGO to further tailor its Platform to your use and to improve its Platform in the future.
  Groundwork Legitimate interest
History and logs Goal Your history and logs are collected to enable BEEGO to further tailor its Platform to your use and to improve its Platform in the future.
  Groundwork Legitimate interest
Cookies Goal Cookies are collected to enable BEEGO to further tailor its Platform to your use and to improve its Platform in the future.
  Groundwork Legitimate interest

Ofpermission that you give is always free and you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. A withdrawal of consent will not affect the processing of Personal Data (i) prior to such withdrawal, (ii) on the basis of any lawful ground for processing Personal Data (iii) in case of legitimate interest of the processing.

Itlegitimate interest as a basis is justified with regard to technical information and history and logs as it is important for BEEGO to adjust and improve its Platform based on that information. The fact that BEEGO processes this information ultimately also benefits the users. In any case, given the data collected, the fundamental rights and/or freedoms of users cannot be violated.

BEEGO’s processing of Personal Data and other information you disclose, including any sensitive personal information, maynecessary in view of the execution of the agreement between you and BEEGO. In the event that you refuse to provide this Personal Data, BEEGO will not be able to fulfill its obligations (namely making the Platform available) and you will not be able to use the Platform.

The processing of Personal Data may also be responsible based on: Anlegal obligation. For example, as a recognized sharing platform, BEEGO has the legal obligation to prepare tax forms annually for all BEEGOs. To fulfill this obligation, BEEGO must process certain of your Personal Data.

The foregoing reasons may not be exhaustive and BEEGO is at all times entitled to process your Personal Data for any other lawful reason. In such cases, BEEGO will notify you of the reason as soon as possible. An update of this Statement may constitute a notice.

  1. Receiving and Sharing Personal Data

BEEGO receives your Personal Data, among other things, when:

  • You use the Platform and/or you create a profile on the Platform;
  • Certain information is sent via cookies or your browser;

BEEGO will always share your Personal Data in a minimal manner. However, in order for the Platform to function properly, it is sometimes necessary for BEEGO to share Personal Data with third parties. This is, for example, the case when a consultant is engaged by a partner, in which case contact details are shared in some cases. . Another example of sharing personal data with sub-processors for a contract and payrolling assignment. You therefore expressly consent to sharing your Personal Data as described in this Statement.

Sub-processors of BEEGO always act under the responsibility of BEEGO. If BEEGO uses sub-processors, this will always be done under a processing agreement that meets the requirements of the GDPR and protects your Personal Data as best as possible.

BEEGO may share your Personal Data with third parties for, among other things, hosting the Platform, sending direct marketing and optimizing its Platform. At no time will BEEGO share your health data, data regarding your profession and/or education and your personal characteristics with third parties (except for payrolling purposes of consultants). Only users of the Platform have access to this data.

BEEGO never shares or sells your Personal Data with or to commercial companies.

If you are redirected to another website or application via the Platform, you must take into account the terms and conditions applicable to that website or application.

  1. Transfer of Personal Data to countries outside the EEA

In principle, BEEGO does not transfer your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. However, it is possible that BEEGO – through its (sub)processors – transfers your Personal Data to countries outside the EEA. If less strict protection applies to Personal Data in a specific country than within the EEA, BEEGO ensures that the same level of protection is achieved (e.g. by concluding an agreement in this regard with the processor located in a country outside the EEA ).

  1. How is my Personal Data stored?

BEEGO uses the following retention periods for your data:

Profile data (basic) As long as the consultant has a profile on the Platform and until two months after deleting the consultant’s profile, or (if later) until BEEGO is legally obliged to store this information.
Data regarding the performance delivered As long as the consultant has a profile on the Platform and until two months after deleting the consultant’s profile, or (if later) until BEEGO is legally obliged to store this information.
Technical information As long as the consent is valid and not withdrawn
History and logs As long as the consent is valid and not withdrawn

BEEGO stores your Personal Data in its own databases and/or in the databases of its (sub)processors. You can always request the updated list of these (sub)processors from BEEGO.

  1. How is my Personal Data secured?

BEEGO has developed appropriate technical and organizational measures, protection measures and safeguards to process your Personal Data in accordance with applicable Belgian and European regulations, and in particular, but not limited to, to protect your Personal Data against loss, misuse or unauthorized changes.

BEEGO uses a team of technicians, automated systems and advanced technology such as backup strategy, HTTPS, security tokens, automatic blacklisting, IP spoofing detection, firewall, SSH, BCrypt, hashing, SSL certificates, disaster recovery strategy, snapshots, logging, application performance monitoring , and much more.

In addition, BEEGO has entered into a processing agreement with its processors to secure your Personal Data and has taken various internal confidentiality measures. BEEGO makes all reasonable/necessary efforts to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

Despite the aforementioned measures taken by BEEGO, you should be aware that there are always risks associated with sending Personal Data over the internet. The security and protection of your Personal Data can never be fully guaranteed.

Under no circumstances can BEEGO be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from incorrect or unlawful use of the Personal Data by a third party.

  1. What rights do I have?

If and to the extent provided for in the applicable Belgian and European regulations, you have the right:

  1. to a confirmation as to whether or not BEEGO processes your Personal Data and, where applicable, to access to the Personal Data that BEEGO processes;
  2. on correction by BEEGO, without undue delay, of inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data;
  3. to have your Personal Data deleted by BEEGO;
  4. to obtain your Personal Data and transfer them to another Controller or Processor;
  5. to obtain from BEEGO the restriction of the processing of your Personal Data, to the extent possible;
  6. to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  7. to object to the Processing of your Personal Data and to the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

You can exercise these rights by contacting BEEGO atdpo@BEEGO.be.

If and to the extent provided for in applicable Belgian and European regulations, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if the processing of your Personal Data violates applicable regulations. In Belgium this is the Data Protection Authority.

  1. Changes to this Statement

BEEGO may change this Statement at any time. The date of the last modified version is shown at the top right of the Statement. Changes will be published on the Platform so that you remain informed at all times about the information that BEEGO collects, how BEEGO uses this information and how BEEGO shares this information.

Amended versions of this Statement will come into effect ten (10) days after their publication on the Platform and, if necessary, will always be submitted for approval.

  1. Consent to Release

You acknowledge, confirm and expressly consent to BEEGO disclosing your Personal Data if required to do so by law or if BEEGO believes in good faith that such disclosure is required to:

  1. comply with any ongoing judicial investigation, court order, or legal process relating to the Platform;
  2. enforce BEEGO’s general terms and conditions;
  3. to respond to claims against BEEGO regarding Personal Data that violate the rights of third parties;
  4. to safeguard the rights, property and safety of BEEGO, its employees, users and the public.

BEEGO may disclose your Personal Data to competent police or judicial authorities or other official government bodies if BEEGO, in its sole discretion, considers this necessary or useful in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringement or any other harmful activity, or if BEEGO is reasonably may suspect that such activity may expose BEEGO or yourself to liability.

  1. Liability

If BEEGO has lawfully provided your Personal Data to a third party (other than a Processor or sub-processor), BEEGO is not liable for unlawful processing or unlawful use by that third party.

BEEGO is also not liable if third parties unlawfully process or use your Personal Data and BEEGO has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent such unlawful processing or use.

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction clause

This Statement shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with Belgian law, which shall apply exclusively to any dispute.

The Belgian courts of the jurisdiction of Antwerp, Antwerp department, have exclusive jurisdiction to judge any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or implementation of this Statement, subject to the right of the consumer to submit a dispute to the competent court. on the basis of a mandatory legal provision.


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